Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Greetings to All !!!!


I had my CT scans done last Monday......hurry up and about learning to be patient. This is how God teaches us patience. Get a scan done and then wait a week for the results after having serious pain and serious reaction from the dye. Well I survived the week...barely... and went to see the oncologist this past Monday. Good news.....cancer is stable...not growing, not shrinking. PRAISE GOD!! Bad news....still don't know what's causing the incision site pain. Doc thinks it may be scar tissue. Soooooo now I get to have an Octreotide Scan done the tune of $19,000.00+ Yikes !!! She is trying to get me in before the end of the year since I have already met my deductibles for this year. PLEASE PRAY REAL HARD FOR HER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS !!!!

Pain is about the same......tolerable most of the time. Working helps keep my mind busy. It really helps that I LOVE my job and the people I work with both directly and indirectly.

Keeping an eye....or two....out for God's Little winks.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Update - Brenda 10/21/09

Struggles...trials...challenges. This is what brings me closer to God. Sometimes I think He gives me too many. But then I know that He knows what is best for me. He knows how to get me closer to Him. The challenges, trials and struggles He puts in my life help to make me stronger in many ways. He will heal me if He chooses to do so. If not, then He has His reasons. It is not for me to question.

I have been doing very well with this Beast within me (Carcinoid Cancer). I have not had symptoms (like most people have with this Beast) and not much pain or discomfort with all that I have been through. I Praise my Father everyday for that. Well I guess God needed me to come close to Him so He has given me some new challenges. For about the past month I have been dealing with severe pain in the left scar area from my surgery last year. This pain has caused me to stop exercising...that in itself is a big let down because I was really feeling good both physically and mentally. I talked to the surgeon and he thinks it is just pulled muscles. The pain is not subsiding much. When I called my Oncologist she ordered CT scans of my chest, Abdomen and pelvic area.

I had the scans done this past Monday. I should have know things weren't going to go well when the nurse was unable to get my port accessed and working. The flush solution would not go through. They had to put the IV line in my arm. Thank God the nurse got it on the first try. Well, everything was going well until they injected the contrast into my vein. As you all know I have had quite a few MRI, Scans (all kinds), chemo, meds, etc. and have never had any kind of reaction. Well this time I did. I had a panic attack, blood pressure rose, broke out in hives, got itchy all over and my pain got worse. They had to give me Benedryl which meant I could not drive home. Most of you know what happens when I drive home sleepy. As God would have it Zak had gotten a ride to his girlfriend's house after school. She lives about 2 miles from Good Sam North so he got a ride to the doctor's office and drove me home. I call this a God wink. He already knew what
was going to happen and already had a plan in place. I now have to have Benedryl before each CT Scan. Not a big deal...I can handle that. Will just need a driver each time. One of the nurses from the Chemo treatment room reaccessed my port and it worked....God wink again.

But that's not the end of the story. As I said before, I have never had any kind of symptoms with this cancer. Praise God. Well last night after work I had to take Zak to Wayne Hospital ER.....Silly boy smashed his finger at school on the table saw...Praise God he didn't cut any fingers off ....another God wink. I was sitting there reading my "God Questions" book and decided I needed to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and my face was beet red.....flushing has started. This is one of the symptoms of this cancer. By the time we left the hospital my face actually hurt. It felt and looked like I had been out in the sun all day. Some of the redness has subsided today and the pain is gone, but it just causes me to wonder if the cancer is getting worse.

I have an appointment with the Oncologist on Monday 10/26 at 4:15 to get the results of the CT Scans. I'm not too scared because I know God is always with me to guide me, hold me, strengthen me and love me. he is my strength and my salvation.

In God's Loving Arms Forever & For Always !!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Brenda - Update 10/12/09

I was doing really Great...working out on the ab-lounge everyday, walking and riding (my) bicycle around town. Then God decided I needed another challenge in my life. About 4 weeks ago I got a really sharp, tearing like pain on the left side of my incision (from when they did the major surgery a year ago) when I tried to do a crunch on the ab-lounge. I was fine the day before when I did my reps on it. I have been hurting ever since. Saw the surgeon on 9/30, he ruled out a hernia...Praise the Lord for that !!!. He felt it was just a pulled muscle and told me to use Bengay, take Aleeve and get a stomach band. Hasn't helped yet. In fact, the band made the pain worse. I do not feel like it is a pulled muscle...that kind of pain does not last this long. I'm not scheduled to see to oncologist until Nov 7. I called the Oncologist office on Friday and told the medical assistant what was going on. Talked to the medical assistant again today and they are going to set me up for some more CT Scans of my chest and abdomin and then see the oncologist possibly sooner....depends on what the CT Scans show. I'm kinda of scared but I know God is still in control.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Update 8/6/09

Greetings Everyone !!
God is Awesome !!!! I went to the oncologist yesterday and she said the tumors are stable (some still shrinking). I will have another CT Scan in 3 months then see her to get the results. In the mean time alll I have to do is get monthly Sandostatin shots. The Sandostatin will help the remaining tumors to continue to shrink. I've been feeling really good lately. I've been working out on my ab lounge everyday and riding my bike 4 - 5 times a week. I feel my energy level increasing. Still working 40+ hours a week and loving it. The oncologist also said that if my hot flashes are a result of the cancer the Sandostatin will get rid of them. If not then it's menapause. I'm sure it's the cancer because I don't have the moodiness that supposedly comes with menapause. Unless you call a always being in a good mood moodiness.... say what? Any way......I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing GREAT ! Looking forward to going to Cross Country meets this fall.
Take Care & God Bless You All !!!

Ladies' Day Out

We enjoyed another Ladies' Day out last month. The weather was unseasonably cool, but absolutely beautiful! We had lunch at Marion's Piazza and went for a nice walk at Wegerzyn Gardens during the park's annual Salsa Celebration. There was great music, food and dancing, and as always beautiful gardens to adore. It was a great day! Thanks ladies!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brenda Email Update 7/4/09

Hi Everyone !
I finally feel well enough to be on the computer. I was on earlier trying to check my 365+ e-mails, but the computer was going soooooooo slow I started getting sleepy. That is, when I wasn't spinning around on the office chair making my self dizzy while waiting for the computer to decide to do what I was telling it to do. I finally gave up and went and watched a movie. Now I'm baaaaaack !
The chemo embolization went well. The doc decided to keep me over night. Room was ready at 3 pm. I didn't get to it until after 9. Rik was really tired and, to say the least, bored by this time. At least he didn't run both cell phone batteries down like he did in March while waiting. I felt pretty good on Saturday and did 5 loads of laundry. Sunday the tiredness and achiness finally set in. I ran out of my laxitive medicine and Protonix on Monday and wasn't able to get them refilled until Thursday. By last night my stomache was a real mess. Needless to say I was up all night. I feel pretty goood right now. Even thinking of going on a bike ride. I plan on returning to work on Monday. Starting to get bored sitting in my recliner. I think I have watched all of the CSI, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami & NCIS series. Movies are all starting to repeat also. I did do a lot of crocheting though. Just need to sell some of the stuff I've made. Rik had to go buy 2 more storage tubs.
I was really starting to feel good before the embolization, and I was feeling a little discouraged this week because of this set back. But I know God is still with me and He will help me make it over this small hurdle also. He is my Savior, Protector, Guide and Father. In Him I place all my trust.
Thanks to all for the continued prayers.
Love to all,

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So far, so good.

Since the last post, not much has changed really. Though it tires her, Mom continues to work and carry on her day-to-day activities. Aside from a recent onset of hot flashes and night sweats, she feels "pretty good"; as she informs me when I call. The last scheduled plan for her treatment was for her to have a CT scan on July 1st then a follow-up on the 6th to determine the next round of treatment. This past Friday, June 19th, she was told by her doctor that there has been a change in this plan. She is now scheduled to have a repeat Chemoembolization this coming Friday, June 26th. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, and let's have faith that this time will be as successful as the first one. I will follow-up with an update in the days following the procedure.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good News!

Good morning all !!!

What a beautiful morning it is !!! God is so Great !!!

I went to the oncologist Monday for the results of the CT scan done last Thursday. The results were good. All the tumors have shrunk, the large tumor shrank 1.5 cm. No more chemo for at least 2 months !!!! Praise the Lord !!!!!! I will have another CT Scan done on July 1 and then see the oncologist again on July 6. My prayer is for the tumors to continue to shrink. I had to quit taking one of my digestive medications (Reglan) due to experiencing tremors in my right hand. Other than the tremors and still being really tired at the end of the day I feel great.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support.

In His Loving Arms Always & Forever !!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Poem: Dear Mama by Wanda Coleman

Dear Mama

when did we become friends?
it happened so gradual i didn't notice
maybe i had to get my run out first
take a big bite of the honky world and choke on it
maybe that's what has to happen with some uppity youngsters
if it happens at all

and now
the thought stark and irrevocable
of being here without you
shakes me

beyond love, fear, regret or anger
into that realm children go
who want to care for/protect their parents
as if they could
and sometimes the lucky ones do

into the realm of making every moment
laughing as though laughter wards off death
each word given
received like spanish eight

treasure to bury within
against that shadow day
when it will be the only coin i possess
with which to buy peace of mind
--Wanda Colemanin "Tangled Vines," Lyn Lifshin, Ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday morning greetings to all !!!!

Well I made it back to work this past Monday. PRAISE THE LORD!!! I was afraid I would be off for about a month or two after the chemo embolization (that was according to reports and other peoples stories). I'm tired but other than that I feel pretty good. I even made it to my son's track meet last Saturday (got sunburn on my face to prove it...nose is flaking now). I go for a CT Scan on May 4th. Will probably see the oncologist or surgeon later that week or the following week for the results. I pray that the results from this procedure will be a lot better than the results I got from the 6 rounds of chemo. My next goal is to start walking (hopefully this evening after supper). I really need to build up my energy levels so I'm not so tired all the time. Walking is something i will have to force myself to do at this time because I'm usually really tired when I get home from work and just want to sit and crochet and watch T.V. Actually I was too tired to even crochet last night but I did some anyway. God is sooooooo Great !! He gives us strength even when we don't think we have anymore. So pray that I will be given the strength to go for walks in the evening.

God is still in control and I believe He can still heal me if He so chooses. If He decides not to heal me I know He will be with me every step of the way, carrying me when necessary. God is Awesome !!!

In God's loving arms Always & Forever !!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brenda - Update 3/31/09

Dear All,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this update out. I had the chemo embolization done last Wednesday. Everything went well. It took a little longer than expected because the radiologist had trouble feeding the line through the artery. But he finally got it. I was feeling really good Wednesday evening, but they decided to keep me over night so they could do liver function test on Thursday morning. All the test came back good. I started having pain at the insertion site but it wasn't too bad. Friday evening I was able to go the our church's women's Night on Encouragement although by the time I returned home I was exhausted and aching all over (even my skin hurt). The exhaustion and achiness lasted until last night when I finally took one of Rik's pain pills (mine weren't touching the pain I was feeling). I saw my surgeon yesterday morning. He even said I looked tired. He said the achiness and tiredness were all normal and could possibly last a couple weeks. So far this morning I'm feeling really good. My goal for today is to be able to attend my son's first track meet of the season.

Thanks to all of you for your contnued prayers. I know that God is in Control and I pray that I will be able to return to work on Monday April 6th.

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thanks to all of you that have shown your concern for my mom. Her Chemo Embolization went well yesterday. They were late getting started and it took about an hour longer than expected due to her artery being twisted and twirly, but they were able to complete it without any major complications. She was kept overnight for observation and blood testing this morning. Other than some pain and fatigue, which is expected, she is doing well. She has been released to go home. Her recovery should last about 7-10 days and she plans to return to work. Over the next 30 days chemo will be released by tiny beads that were injected into the artery leading to the liver. Those beads will settle in the blood vessels in her liver and leading to the tumors and cut off the main source of blood supply to her liver and the tumors that are on it. Hopefully this will cause the tumors to stop growing and shrink. She will have another CT scan in about 4-6 weeks to check the status of the tumors and that will determine the next course of her treatment.

Thanks again,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chemo Embolization

Hi all

I just got a call from my surgeon's office. The chemo embolization is scheduled for tomorrow (3/25/09). I have to be at the hospital at 7am and the procedure will be done at 9am. This will be done as an out patient procedure but there is always a chance that I could be kept overnight. The main risk involved is liver failure which the surgeon and oncologist have assured would only last a day or two. Normal recovery time is 7-10 days. Please keep me, my family and the surgical team in your prayers as this procedure is done tomorrow morning. God will have complete control of the situation !!

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone !!!

I know it's been a while since my last update. "No news is good news" or so they say. There hasn't been much change until yesterday. I saw the oncologist yesterday for my followup after completing my 6 rounds of chemo therapy 3 weeks ago. I had been praying for good news....that the chemo worked and there was no more cancer. I guess God has other plans for me. Some of the smaller tumors shrank (Prais the Lord !), however, the larger tumor grew a couple of centimeters. The next course of action is Chemo Emmobilization. This is a procedure where the radiologist goes through the main artery of the liver and injects the chemo directly into the liver. The chemo then attacks the cancerous tumors on the liver. This is done as outpatient treatment and I may have to do it twice and then possibly more chemo therapy afterwards. There is a possiblity of liver failure with this procedure, but, the oncologist assured me that if that were to happen it would be temporary (possibly a few days for the liver to regenerate). She said I could be back to work 1 week after the procedure. Although this was yet another blow to me I am still confident that God is in control. He has His reasons for having me go through this battle. He will continue to be my strength as a battle this beast within me. I am not alone. He will not forsake me. Your continued prayers for me and my family are greatly appreciated.

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Ladies Day Out

We had a GREAT day out in November. We (Nikki, Brenda, Lesa and Melanie) [sorry Mel, I didn't get your picture!] went to Tipp City for the Holiday Happening (I think that's what it's called). We enjoyed Christmas carolers, great food, hot cocoa and of course SHOPPING! We even got our picture taken with Santa! The day was tiresome, but well worth it! Thanks ladies for a fabulous day out!