Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 3 at CTCA in Zion, IL

Things seem to be moving along well for mom at the CTCA.

“Had 2nd Octreotide scan this morning at 8am. Went really well. While Rik was eating breakfast I was eating pudding, the technician called and said the doctor had reviewed the scans and cancelled the 3rd and 4th part. I can eat real food again and don't have to drink anymore of that nasty magnesium citrate. Almost got sick on it last night. We saw the pain management consultant also this morning. For now since I'm not having much pain and it is only once in a while, I will continue with the Aleeve when needed and Oxycodone when the Aleve doesn't work. We then talked to my nurse navigator for a while. That was it for today. We had lunch then went back to the hotel room. Did our laundry and worked on a puzzle until we had to come back to CTCA so Rik could get his hair cut. I'm sitting in this beautiful atrium waiting. We'll go eat supper then back to the hotel and work on the puzzle some more. Not sure what all is on the schedule for tomorrow since we left it in the room. I still have 2 MRI's and the CT scan . Once all the scans are done we will meet with the doctor again along with the Oncologist to get my treatment plan. This place is wonderful. I would recommend it to anyone going through any type of cancer. You are a person here not just a number. They work with your entire body and not just the cancer. The founder started CTCA because he didn't like the treatment his mother received for her cancer. For him money was no option. I thank God for him and his generosity. If it is God's will I plan to have my treatment here. If it is God's will He will provide whatever is required. Whether it be a ride or assistance with finances. He will also provide Rik with peace of mi d if he is not able to come with me. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support. I know this is where God wants me to be. Love to all!”

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