Friday, May 16, 2014

Mom got her results yesterday and a treatment plan. This is probably the best news we could have hoped for at this point in her journey.

"Day 7 at CTCA. Praise the Lord!!!! No chemotherapy!!! Just a small chemo pill everyday, Sandostatin injection every month, supplements, change in diet and nutrition. I come back in 2-3 months for a follow-up. Once I start the chemo pills I will have blood work done every week for the fist 4 weeks. I will not loose my hair with the chemo pills either.!!!! We leave for home tomorrow at 1pm. Thanks again to everyone for you prayers and support."

The doctors said that the 3 new tumors are very small. I am confident that this treatment plan they have decided on will have positive effects. I think the part I am most excited about for her is the nutrition plan. Our bodies cannot heal without proper diet and nutrition. We wouldn't try to fuel our cars with kerosene so we shouldn't try to fuel our bodies with foods chemically processed and genetically modified. This is something I am beginning to learn in watching films like "Food Matters", "Crazy Sexy Cancer", and others. I am finding myself more encouraged each day to take a more wholesome approach to fueling my system. Mom is going to be a prime example of what a difference it makes!

I am so grateful!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Test Results and Treatment Plan Day!

Mom finished up the scans yesterday. She had an MRI and CT scan with the dreaded dye that causes her allergic reactions that tend to become more severe each time they use it. Thankfully, the reaction this time was very mild! She’ll be meeting with the specialists today to review the results of all of their tests and scans and to discuss her options and treatment plan.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 3 at CTCA in Zion, IL

Things seem to be moving along well for mom at the CTCA.

“Had 2nd Octreotide scan this morning at 8am. Went really well. While Rik was eating breakfast I was eating pudding, the technician called and said the doctor had reviewed the scans and cancelled the 3rd and 4th part. I can eat real food again and don't have to drink anymore of that nasty magnesium citrate. Almost got sick on it last night. We saw the pain management consultant also this morning. For now since I'm not having much pain and it is only once in a while, I will continue with the Aleeve when needed and Oxycodone when the Aleve doesn't work. We then talked to my nurse navigator for a while. That was it for today. We had lunch then went back to the hotel room. Did our laundry and worked on a puzzle until we had to come back to CTCA so Rik could get his hair cut. I'm sitting in this beautiful atrium waiting. We'll go eat supper then back to the hotel and work on the puzzle some more. Not sure what all is on the schedule for tomorrow since we left it in the room. I still have 2 MRI's and the CT scan . Once all the scans are done we will meet with the doctor again along with the Oncologist to get my treatment plan. This place is wonderful. I would recommend it to anyone going through any type of cancer. You are a person here not just a number. They work with your entire body and not just the cancer. The founder started CTCA because he didn't like the treatment his mother received for her cancer. For him money was no option. I thank God for him and his generosity. If it is God's will I plan to have my treatment here. If it is God's will He will provide whatever is required. Whether it be a ride or assistance with finances. He will also provide Rik with peace of mi d if he is not able to come with me. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support. I know this is where God wants me to be. Love to all!”

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Since I won't get to see you for Mother's Day and I don't know when you'll be home to get is a card and little note for you.

I love you Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA-Chicago)

On Thursday, May 8th, Mom and Rik flew out to Chicago, IL to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Boy, do they sure make a great first impression!!

“Our flight to Chicago was great even with a couple delays. We got picked up by a limo and driven to a really nice hotel that is owned by Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA). I had my first appointments starting at 7am yesterday. Very informative. I was told a lot of things about my previous treatments that doctors at home had not told me. Like what had worked and what was not working. The $5,000 injections I get every month are not working. We have free days today and tomorrow. Monday the scans, MRI's and x-rays start. It looks like we may be here until Thursday or Friday. Right now I'm feeling pretty good. As long as I don't eat too much which is hard to do because the food is so good. We walked around the neighborhood and even picked up a few things at Dollar General yesterday. Had to get a few things that you can't put in a carryon. LOL! We are in Zion, IL. Got to see Christine Lindstrom Nealeigh and meet her very sweet mom yesterday. Thanks for the use of your car Chris. Does anyone need the hoodie you left in the back seat? Thanks for all the prayers and support everyone. I feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around me. Love to all.”

Friday, May 2, 2014

No News is Not Always Good News

……and wait we did. She finally got an appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday, April 30th…2 ½ weeks after being told her cancer has progressed and given no additional information as to precise location, size, severity or anything!

Here’s how her appointment went:

“So, I went to see my oncologist Wednesday. After 3 hours I knew no more than I did when I got there. Saw the doctor for about 10 mins. Gave them my blood and was told to come back in 2 weeks. It was a very disappointing visit to say the least. I called Cancer Treatment Centers of America over the weekend. I will be going to their Chicago center next week. Rik and I will fly out of Dayton Thursday evening and return Tuesday evening. I'm really excited and impressed with the people I have talked to. Please pray that I can finally get some straight answers and a treatment plan. Pray also that I start feeling better. I have more to do than waste time sitting in my recliner feeling yucky. Still praising God for all He does for me and for all His blessings and mercy.”

At this point we still have no idea what is going on. She has not seen any images of the latest scan, she has still received no detailed information as to the progression of these tumors and only a “you will probably have to have more chemo” plan of action from the oncologist and told to come back in 2 weeks. How much time should we waste folks?! I am so glad she checked out the services offered by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. In 2 days they had her flight arrangements & accommodations made and appointments set for the following week! I cannot wait to see what they can do for her!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Not What We Wanted to Hear

Well Mom went in for another Octreotide scan this week and today is the day she received her results. I got a text message from her in the evening asking me to give her a call when I had a chance. I dared not hesitate so I called right away with anticipation eating at my gut. She said that her doctor has told her that she will no longer be a possible candidate for a liver transplant as he had thought a month before. This latest scan (much more powerful than a CT Scan or MRI) showed that her cancer is NOT contained in the liver, it has actually progressed and spread to other areas of her body. Huge blow of devastation right there! She calmly went on to tell me that there is a spot in her mediastinum region (the cavity in the chest that holds the heart, esophagus, trachea, etc.), a spot on her left shoulder blade and a third spot on her left arm bone between the shoulder and elbow. At this point the doctor had not had an opportunity to review the entire report and scan results so he couldn’t tell her how large these new tumors are or where we go from here. She says there is no point in worrying about something she has no control over, but of course I worry. I am heartbroken. So we wait. Wait to hear back from the doctors on Monday or later and wait for an appointment with the oncologist to devise a treatment plan..........