Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brenda - Update 3/31/09

Dear All,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this update out. I had the chemo embolization done last Wednesday. Everything went well. It took a little longer than expected because the radiologist had trouble feeding the line through the artery. But he finally got it. I was feeling really good Wednesday evening, but they decided to keep me over night so they could do liver function test on Thursday morning. All the test came back good. I started having pain at the insertion site but it wasn't too bad. Friday evening I was able to go the our church's women's Night on Encouragement although by the time I returned home I was exhausted and aching all over (even my skin hurt). The exhaustion and achiness lasted until last night when I finally took one of Rik's pain pills (mine weren't touching the pain I was feeling). I saw my surgeon yesterday morning. He even said I looked tired. He said the achiness and tiredness were all normal and could possibly last a couple weeks. So far this morning I'm feeling really good. My goal for today is to be able to attend my son's first track meet of the season.

Thanks to all of you for your contnued prayers. I know that God is in Control and I pray that I will be able to return to work on Monday April 6th.

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thanks to all of you that have shown your concern for my mom. Her Chemo Embolization went well yesterday. They were late getting started and it took about an hour longer than expected due to her artery being twisted and twirly, but they were able to complete it without any major complications. She was kept overnight for observation and blood testing this morning. Other than some pain and fatigue, which is expected, she is doing well. She has been released to go home. Her recovery should last about 7-10 days and she plans to return to work. Over the next 30 days chemo will be released by tiny beads that were injected into the artery leading to the liver. Those beads will settle in the blood vessels in her liver and leading to the tumors and cut off the main source of blood supply to her liver and the tumors that are on it. Hopefully this will cause the tumors to stop growing and shrink. She will have another CT scan in about 4-6 weeks to check the status of the tumors and that will determine the next course of her treatment.

Thanks again,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chemo Embolization

Hi all

I just got a call from my surgeon's office. The chemo embolization is scheduled for tomorrow (3/25/09). I have to be at the hospital at 7am and the procedure will be done at 9am. This will be done as an out patient procedure but there is always a chance that I could be kept overnight. The main risk involved is liver failure which the surgeon and oncologist have assured would only last a day or two. Normal recovery time is 7-10 days. Please keep me, my family and the surgical team in your prayers as this procedure is done tomorrow morning. God will have complete control of the situation !!

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone !!!

I know it's been a while since my last update. "No news is good news" or so they say. There hasn't been much change until yesterday. I saw the oncologist yesterday for my followup after completing my 6 rounds of chemo therapy 3 weeks ago. I had been praying for good news....that the chemo worked and there was no more cancer. I guess God has other plans for me. Some of the smaller tumors shrank (Prais the Lord !), however, the larger tumor grew a couple of centimeters. The next course of action is Chemo Emmobilization. This is a procedure where the radiologist goes through the main artery of the liver and injects the chemo directly into the liver. The chemo then attacks the cancerous tumors on the liver. This is done as outpatient treatment and I may have to do it twice and then possibly more chemo therapy afterwards. There is a possiblity of liver failure with this procedure, but, the oncologist assured me that if that were to happen it would be temporary (possibly a few days for the liver to regenerate). She said I could be back to work 1 week after the procedure. Although this was yet another blow to me I am still confident that God is in control. He has His reasons for having me go through this battle. He will continue to be my strength as a battle this beast within me. I am not alone. He will not forsake me. Your continued prayers for me and my family are greatly appreciated.

In God's Loving Arms Always & Forever !!

Ladies Day Out

We had a GREAT day out in November. We (Nikki, Brenda, Lesa and Melanie) [sorry Mel, I didn't get your picture!] went to Tipp City for the Holiday Happening (I think that's what it's called). We enjoyed Christmas carolers, great food, hot cocoa and of course SHOPPING! We even got our picture taken with Santa! The day was tiresome, but well worth it! Thanks ladies for a fabulous day out!