Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good News, Bad News, Good News, Best News- Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today Mom saw her liver cancer specialist to review the results of her latest MRI. Here's her update on that visit:

"God is so AWESOME! I saw my liver cancer specialist today to get the results of my latest MRI. I got good news, bad news, good news and what could possibly turn out to be the best news ever. The good news: the small tumors are shrinking or staying stable. The bad news: 1 tumor has gotten quite a bit larger. The good news: since I'm feeling really good and have been off my meds since January 5th he decided not to do another embolization at this time. I will have another MRI done in 3 months and decide at that time if the embolization will be done. Now for the news that could possibly be the best news ever: He is going back to the liver transplant team and reopen the possibility of a liver transplant. This is because the cancer has been contained in the liver for the past 6 years. The first request was denied because there were tumors on my pancreas. These were removed during my surgery in 2008 and no more have appeared. I will know within the next 3 months if the request is approved. If the transplant is in God's plan for me it will be approved. I told the doctor I had a few more trips to make to Belize. My God is an AWESOME God! I know He isn't done with me yet! He had lots of plans yet for my life! Thanks for all the prayers. God is still in control!"

How reassuring to know that there could possibly be and end in sight to this cancer! Oh what I would give to have my mom's body ridded of this evil beast. Regardless, though, we will take it and face it as it comes!

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