Monday, January 14, 2013


Today Mom gets results of her latest Octreotide scan. She was told last month, after having a routine CAT scan, that there has been growth in the tumors on her liver. After nearly three years of stability, it appears the monthly injections she has been receiving are no longer maintaining stability of the cancer. She went for the Octreotide scan a little over 2 weeks ago, the results of which are far more accurate than the CAT scan. The images will tell how much growth there has been and next course of treatment can be determined...possibly chemotherapy or chemo-immobilization. The anticipation of hearing those results has really got me on an emotional roller coaster today. I pray that the growth is minimal, though I fear it has been significant. While I am frightened, I continue to be inspired by my Mom's extreme faith and strength she shows during these times. She never ceases to amaze me! I love you Mom! No matter what news we get today, we will continue to take it as it comes, one day at a time and within the hands of GOD.

What's the Plan, Lord?

Update from Brenda 1/13/13 - I have an appointment with my oncologist Monday 1/14 at 2 pm to find out the results of my latest Octreotide Study. The results will determine if I have another Chemoembolization and or more Chemotherapy. My prayer is that God will take all the cancer and pain away ("When the Hurt and the Healer Collide" - Mercy Me) or if it is in His plan for a second round ("Even if the Healing Doesn't Come" - Kutless). Whatever the outcome my God is still in control and will be praised Forever & Ever! To God I give all the glory !!!!!!