Monday, November 15, 2010

F.R.O.G (Faithfully Relying on GOD)

Thanks to all for your continued thoughts and support. And a special thanks for the cards and notes sent to my Mom during her Emmaus Walk. She was very surprised! She still has yet to finish reading the stack of greetings she received.


Update - Brenda 11/15/2010
Greetings All,
I saw my oncologist on 11/3. She told me that two small spots showed up on the scan that was done on 10/27 & 28. They are too small to do biopsies on and may be from my being sick 1 week prior to the scan. I will have a CT scan done in 3 months and see what it shows. Until then, I'm trusting in God to take care of them.
I went on the Darke County Women's Emmaus Walk #40 the weekend of 11/4-7. It was a wonderful, spirit filled weekend. I met a lot of new friends, cried a lot, laughed a lot and ate more that weekend than I normally do in 1 week! It was awesome! I can't wait to go on another one as a team member.
Faithfully Relying On God (frog)!

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