Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good News!

Good morning all !!!

What a beautiful morning it is !!! God is so Great !!!

I went to the oncologist Monday for the results of the CT scan done last Thursday. The results were good. All the tumors have shrunk, the large tumor shrank 1.5 cm. No more chemo for at least 2 months !!!! Praise the Lord !!!!!! I will have another CT Scan done on July 1 and then see the oncologist again on July 6. My prayer is for the tumors to continue to shrink. I had to quit taking one of my digestive medications (Reglan) due to experiencing tremors in my right hand. Other than the tremors and still being really tired at the end of the day I feel great.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support.

In His Loving Arms Always & Forever !!!